Safety and security

Cameras in Moscow to form a video surveillance system

Cameras in Moscow to form a video surveillance system
Before World Cup 2018, the system will include several thousand cameras installed at stadiums, hotels and fun zones. Video analysis and videos taken by the public will also be tested.

Moscow has launched an integrated video surveillance platform that comprises over 150,000 city cameras. Before World Cup 2018, the system will incorporate video surveillance systems at stadiums, fun zones, traffic and pedestrian infrastructure, as well as the hotels that will accommodate athletes and fans. In all, several thousand cameras will be added to the existing ones.

“The video surveillance system at the Spartak stadium will be included in the general plan for Confederations Cup 2017,” Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department Alexander Gorbatko said.

Law enforcement agencies and other surveillance services will have direct access to the system from their work places. Several situational centres will be established for World Cup 2018 to monitor security during the event.

Also, prior to the World Cup games, video from anyone’s devices, such as smartphones and tablets, will be uploadable to the network, including reports on violations. A special mobile app is being tested for this.

An analysis system will be launched as part of the system, with cameras tuned to identify faces or car license plates followed by a records search. This will enhance security at the event.

“We are creating a super-modern intellectual platform with various capabilities for the city to use during the World Cup and beyond. This is a unique piece of R&D,” he said.

Addressing the Security Technologies forum earlier, Mr Gorbatko said the integrated video surveillance system was monitoring the construction sites and the maintenance of areas in the run-up to the World Cup and would be used in infrastructure planning. By the summer of 2018, it will be monitoring order and security.

Gorbatko said that camera images were transmitted to the Single Data Centre (SDC) and stored for five days by default. But in an emergency any resident can hold a video for 30 days. To do so, they will need to file a request by calling the 24/7 city contact centre (8 495 587 0002).  A hold number assigned by the centre can be referred to enforcement at emergency locations or to a lawyer.  

The World Cup will be held in Russia from 14 June to 15 July, 2018. In Moscow, the event will be located at Luzhniki and Spartak stadiums, with seven games, including the World Cup opening ceremony, a semi-final, and the final game, scheduled for the former, and five games for the latter.