Construction and renovation

PCB plant to reside in Rudnevo Industrial Park

PCB plant to reside in Rudnevo Industrial Park
Photo by Maxim Mishin. Moscow Mayor and Government Press Service
It is to be a cutting-edge high-tech enterprise with robotized production lines.

A big highly robotized plant to locally produce printed circuit boards (PCBs) will be built by ITELMA Group in the Rudnevo industrial park in the Technopolis Moscow special economic zone (SEZ).

“By order of Sergei Sobyanin, Moscow offers comprehensive support to businesses-more than 20 financial and non-financial anti-crisis instruments. So, the capital’s manufacturing sector has reached record heights over the past five years Since the beginning of this year alone, local manufacturing outputs have grown by 14.7 per cent and continue to show positive dynamics. A new production facility spanning over 20 thousand square meters will be set in Rudnevo; it will have automated lines, systems for monitoring solution concentrations and dosing,” says Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Moscow Mayor for Transport and Industry.

Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Press Service

The use of the latest equipment on certain sits will improve the quality of printed circuit boards and mitigate risk of stoppages, particularly dangerous sections of production lines to be robotized.

“The plant will produce PCBs of up to the sixth precision class, including for server and telecommunications equipment. Today, such products are in great demand not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The launch of the high-tech production facility in our city will cover the existing demand for PCBs, attract investment to the capital and provide Muscovites with new jobs. In the future, the company may be granted the status of a SEZ resident, thus entitling it for new support arrangements, in particular, tax preferences,” says Anatoly Garbuzov, Moscow Government Minister and Head of the Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy.

According to the company’s CEO, Alexey Vorobyov, the decision to open the PCB plant was made in light of the growing demand for printed circuit boards in Russia.

Moscow Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Press Service