Economy and entrepreneurship

Moscow supports nearly 300 startup launches since the start of the year

Moscow supports nearly 300 startup launches since the start of the year
Moscow Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development Press Service
The Innovators Academy project, the Digital Transformation Leaders hackathon, and the Moscow Innovator award help inventors develop, test, and launch their products.

Innovators from Moscow can develop, test, and launch their products thanks to municipal high-tech business development programs. The three projects: Innovators Academy, Digital Transformation Leaders, and Moscow Innovator, helped set up nearly 300 startups since the year began, says Deputy Moscow Mayor Natalya Sergunina.

“That is more than twice as many as in the entire 2023. Interest to each of the projects is also on the rise. We have received about 30,000 requests for participation since the year began,” added Ms. Sergunina.

The Digital Transformation Leaders hackathon is a major competition for developers that make IT products for public and private sectors. Researchers and inventors aged 14 and up can submit their high-tech solutions to compete for the Moscow Innovator award. The Innovators Academy program is focused on high-tech entrepreneurs who are just starting out. They can join the project at any product stage: from the concept to the market launch.

From AI assistants to VR simulators

A startup by participants of Innovators Academy has already drawn attention from potential investors. They have developed an artificial intelligence-based assistant for online conferences; investments in its improvement and marketing are already flowing in. The AI assistant transcribes conversations into texts, highlighting key ideas.

Another group of the program’s graduates have developed the Neuro-Artist, a platform for designers. It uses neural networks to make images based on the user’s sketches.

Yet another successful project by Innovators Academy participants: a VR simulator for practical OSH training that can be used by both industry and office workers. Virtual reality helps users learn how to provide first aid and what to do in case of an emergency, such as a fire.

One of the Moscow Innovator award winners has invented a service that makes digital twins for elements of buildings, facilities, or machines. It can be used to control construction processes remotely from any part of the world. The system has already been introduced at dozens of sites in Russia and China, and has recently been launched in India.