
Sergei Sobyanin: Moscow gets 4 more electric boat berths

Sergei Sobyanin: Moscow gets 4 more electric boat berths
These include Krasnopresnensky Park, Nagatinsky, Zaton Novinki and Kolomenskaya Embankment.

Moscow has got four new berths for scheduled electric boats, Sergei Sobyanin writes on his Telegram channel.

Route I (Kievsky — Fili Park) has been extended to get the Krasnopresnensky Park berth, with the Nagatinsky, Zaton Novinki and Kolomenskaya Embankment piers set on Route II (ZIL — Pechatniki), and thus residents of the Presnensky, Danilovsky, Nagatinsky Zaton and Nagatino-Sadovniki districts have gained access to innovative transport.

“This is not the first time we have taken effort to extend electric vessel infrastructure this year. In June we launched the Fili Park and Beregovoy piers,” the Moscow Mayor pointed out.

Source: Sergei Sobyanin’s Telegram channel @mos_sobyanin