Construction and renovation

Mayor Sobyanin: Moscow to get ≈ 40 social facilities by year-end

Mayor Sobyanin: Moscow to get ≈ 40 social facilities by year-end
Moscow Mayor and Government Press Service
The construction projects depends on housing needs in each district.

63 social infrastructure facilities have been built in the capital since the beginning of the year, Sergei Sobyanin writes on his Telegram channel.

“The construction projects depend on housing needs in each district. Everyone should be able to conveniently get to school, kindergarten or clinic,” the Moscow Mayor writes.

Source: Sergei Sobyanin’s Telegram channel @mos_sobyanin

The city now has got another 15 schools and educational buildings for 11,703 students with preschool departments for 525 children, 22 kindergartens for 4,517 children, 9 medical facilities, 10 sports facilities, and 7 cultural institutions, some of them — 42 buildings — having been sponsored by investors and the federal budget.

The municipality and investors financed construction of a school with a swimming pool for 2,100 students in Troitsk, a radiation therapy building at Kommunarka Multi-Purpose Clinical Center, a Luzhniki-based tennis center, and the Collection Museum and Exhibition Center at the former ZIL industrial site.

By the end of the year, they are going to complete about 40 more social facilities of various types.