Construction and renovation

Sergei Sobyanin on road infrastructure development in Moscow

Sergei Sobyanin on road infrastructure development in Moscow
Work on the Moscow High-Speed Diameter is currently underway with a lot of projects being delivered in TiNAO.

The city is developing an advanced road transport system, building main roads, bridges and overpasses. Currently, extensive work is underway on the Moscow High-Speed Diameter (MHSD), as announced by Sergei Sobyanin on his Telegram channel.

“The installation of the main spans across Varshavskoye Motorway in the south of Moscow has already been completed, including over the Kursky railway line and the D2 line. Specialists are connecting the sixth and eighth sections of the MHSD with the exit to Bakinskaya Street to get to the M-4 Don road with three overpasses being built there,” the Moscow Mayor notes.

Source: Sergei Sobyanin’s Telegram channel @mos_sobyanin

The experts are building a footbridge near the Yuzhnaya CHP Plant bus stop at the 32 nd kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) and an underpass near the village of Bitsa. It will be used to cross the MHSD and the Kursky railway lines on the way to a major transport hub.

A lot of projects are being delivered in TiNAO as the construction of the first section (part of the M-3-the village of Sosenki-the village of Yamontovo main road) is almost completed. It runs through the Moskovsky residential area to offer convenient access to schools and a kindergarten.

“About three kilometers of roads in the southeastern part of the Krasnopakhorsky area of the Troitsky District are set to be constructed or reconstructed. It will be more convenient to travel between the village of Shchapovo and nearby settlements,” adds Sergei Sobyanin.